


1. Meng Wu, Guojun Cai*, Caijin Wang, Songyu Liu. Mapping constrained modulus differences in a highway widening project based on CPTU data and two-dimensional anisotropic geostatistics. Transportation Geotechnics, 2022, 32: 100686. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院2区,JCR2区,IF=2.385

2. Shuai Yin, YuZhou Xiang, Jun Xu, Hui Cheng, YueWen Jiang, GuoJun Cai*, JiangTao Yi*. Elastic stiffness coefficients of a skirted spudcan foundation in clay. Applied Ocean Research, 120 (2022) 103054. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院2区,JCR 1区,, IF=2.979

3. He, Y.; Cai, G.; Gao, L.; He, H*. Effect of Particle Size and Constraint Conditions on Single Particle Strength of Carbonate Sand. Sensors 2022, 22, 765. (SCI/EI收录) JCR2区,中科院3区,IF=3.576)

4.  Huan He, Siyue Li, Senetakis K*, et al. Influence of anisotropic stress path and stress history on stiffness of calcareous sands from Western Australia and the Philippines [J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, (SCI/EI收录) JCR1区,中科院2区,IF=4.338)

5.  Xuening Liu, Jirong Shen, Ming Yang, Guojun Cai*, Songyu Liu. Subsurface characterization of a construction site in Nanjing, China using ERT and CPTU methods. Engineering Geology. 299 (2022) 106563. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院1区,JCR 1区,IF=6.755Top期刊)

6. Lulu Liu, Zhe Li, Guojun Cai*, Jun Zhang, Bosen Dai. Long-term performance of temperature and humidity in the road embankment constructed with recycled construction and demolition wastes. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 356, 26 April 2022, 131851. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=9.297

7. Meng Wu, Zening Zhao, Guojun Cai*, Caijin Wang, Gongbi Cheng, XiaokangWang. Adsorption behaviour and mechanism of benzene, toluene and m-xylene (BTX) solution onto kaolinite: Experimental and molecular dynamics simulation studies. Separation and Purification Technology. Volume 291, 15 June 2022, 120940. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=7.132

8. Meng Wu, Zening Zhao, Guojun Cai*, Wei Duan, Caijin Wang, Gongbi Cheng, Xiaokang Wang. In situ evaluation of soil contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbons using membrane interface probe: a case study from Nanjing, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2022, 81(140) . (SCI/EI收录)(中科院3区,JCR 2区,IF=3.046

9. Wei DuanSurya Sarat Chandra CongressGuojun Cai*Zening ZhaoSongyu LiuXiaoqiang Dong*Ruifeng ChenHuanhuan Qiao. Prediction of in situ state parameter of sandy deposits from CPT measurements using optimized GMDH-type neural networks. Acta Geotechnica. 29 March 2022, 1-21 (SCI/EI收录)(中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=5.5697

10. Lulu LiuZhe LiGuojun Cai*Xueyu GengBaosen Dai. Performance and prediction of long-term settlement in road embankments constructed with recycled construction and demolition waste. Acta Geotechnica. March 2022,  (SCI/EI收录)(通讯作者)(中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=5.57

11. Xiaoyan Liu, Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Guojun Cai*, Lulu Liu, Songyu Liu, Anand J. Puppala, and Wenwei Zhang. Development and validation of a method to predict the soil thermal conductivity using thermal piezocone penetration testing (T-CPTU). Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Volume 59, Issue 4, Page 510-525, 22 April 2022 . (SCI/EI收录) (中科院3区,JCR Q2区,国际岩土著名杂志,影响因子IF=4.167

12. Meng Wu, Guojun Cai*, Lulu Liu, Zhen Jiang, Caijin Wang, Zongjun Sun. Quantitative identification of cutoff wall construction defects using Bayesian approach based on excess pore water pressure. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17(6), 2553-2571. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院2区,JCR 1区,IF=5.856

13. Zening Zhao, Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Guojun Cai*, Wei Duan. Bayesian probabilistic characterization of consolidation behavior of clays using CPTU data. Acta Geotechnica. 17, March 2022, 931-948. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院2区,JCR 1区,IF=5.856

14. Caijin Wang, Hualei Feng, Guojun Cai*, Meng Wu. Multivariate distribution models of soil electrical resistivity. Cold Regions Science and Technology, Volume 201, September 2022, 103584. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院3区,JCR Q1区,影响因子IF=3.72

15. Caijin Wang, Guojun Cai*, Xuening LiuMeng Wu. Prediction of soil thermal conductivity based on Intelligent computing model. Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 58, 2022: 1-14. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院4区,JCR Q2区,影响因子IF=2.464

16. Jun Lin, Xinyu Hou*, Guojun Cai, Songyu Liu. Uncertainty Analysis of Axial Pile Capacity in Layered Soils by the Piezocone Penetration Test. Frontiers in Earth Science. Volume 10, 11 April 2022, 861086. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院3, JCR Q2, 影响因子IF=3.6)

17. Ruifeng Chen, Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Guojun Cai*, Ruixian Zhou, Jingmin Xu, Wei Duan, Songyu Liu. Evaluating the effect of active ions on the early performance of soft clay solidified by modified biomass waste-rice husk ash. Acta Geotechnica. 2022, 23 July 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-022-01630-5 (SCI/EI收录) (中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=5.570

18. Zening Zhao, Wei Duan, Guojun Cai*, Meng Wu, Songyu Liu. CPT-based fully probabilistic seismic liquefaction potential assessment to reduce uncertainty: Integrating XGBoost algorithm with Bayesian theorem. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022, 149, 104868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.104868 (SCI/EI收录) (中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=5.218

19. Liqing Nie, Guojun Cai, Jian Lin, Fengyun Wang, Yi Cai, Jiali Fu, Xiaofeng Sun, Yulong Song. Constrains of physical properties and geochemical characteristics of country rock on skarn tungsten mineralization: a case study of the Longjiaoshan-Fujiashan skarn tungsten deposit in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt.Ore Geology Reviews, 2022, 148, 105032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105032(SCI/EI收录) (中科院2区,JCR Q1区,影响因子IF=3.714

20. Wei DuanZening Zhao, Guojun Cai*,  Shaoyun Pu , Songyu Liu, Xiaoqiang Dong* . Evaluating model uncertainty of an in situ state parameter-based simplified  method for reliability method for reliability analysis of liquefaction potential. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022, 151, 104957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.104957 (SCI/EI收录) (中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=5.218

21. Lulu Liu, Zhe Li, Guojun Cai*, Zhongjiang Wang. Menthol as a Cementing Agent for Superficial Undisturbed Sands: Applicability and Soil Structure Analysis. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2022, 34(11), 04022279. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004432 (SCI/EI收录) (中科院3区,JCR Q2区,影响因子IF=3.651

22. Wei DuanSurya Sarat Chandra CongressGuojun Cai*Zening ZhaoSongyu LiuXiaoqiang Dong*Ruifeng ChenHuanhuan Qiao. Prediction of in situ state parameter of sandy deposits from CPT measurements using optimized GMDH-type neural networks. Acta Geotechnica. (2022) 17 :4515–4535. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院1区,JCR 1区,IF=5.856

23. Wei Duan, Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Guojun Cai*, Zening Zhao, Shaoyun Pu, Songyu Liu, Xiaoqiang Dong*, Meng Wu, Ruifeng Chen. Characterizing the in-situ state of sandy soils for liquefaction analysis using resistivity piezocone penetration test. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2023, 164(2023)107529. (SCI/EI收录) (中科院2区,JCR2区,IF=4.856

24. Zhen Jiang, Guojun Cai*, Guanglin Tian, Xuening Liu. Effect of aggregate particle size on mortar pore structure. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, Volumes 352, 128988. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院2区,JCR 1区,IF=7.693Top期刊)

25. Caijin Wang, Guojun Cai*, Meng WuZening Zhao. Prediction of soil thermal conductivity based on multivariate probability distribution models. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022, 138, 106355. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院2区,JCR 1区,IF=6.782

26. Dun Wu; Guojun Cai*; Wenfei Chi; Xia Gao; Xianzeng Shi; Longjin Jiang; Shun Zhang; Micro-characteristics of solid -gas-liquid phase pyrolysis products of waste printed circuit board resin powder driven by multi-type spectral data. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-021-11102-9. (SCI/EI收录)(中科院2区热力学,JCR 1区,IF=4.755

27. Huan He, Yong He*, Guojun Cai, Yingfan Wang, Guozhu Zhang. Influence of particle size and packing on the thermal conductivity of carbonate sand [J]. Granular Matter (2022) 24:117 (SCI/EI收录)

28. Man LiGuojun CaiQiang WangSongyu LiuHuan He*Xuwenyan Liu, Wen Shi. The state of the art of carbonation technology in geotechnical engineering: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022, 171, 112986. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S136403212200867X  (SCI收录) (中科院1区,JCR Q1区,Top期刊,影响因子IF=16.799

29.段伟,蔡国军*,刘松玉,赵泽宁,董晓强,陈瑞锋.基于现代原位测试CPTU的土体液化势统一评价方法[J].岩土工程学报,2022,44(3):435-443. (EI 收录)

30. 段伟, 蔡国军*,刘松玉,董晓强,陈瑞锋.基于多功能CPTU测试的无黏性土状态参数评价研究[J].中国公路学报, 2022,35(1):200-209. (EI 收录)

31. 段伟,蔡国军*,刘松玉,董晓强,赵泽宁,陈瑞锋. 多功能CPTU与我国CPT液化判别对比试验研究[J].东南大学学报( 自然科学版),2022,52(1):131-137. (EI收录)

32. 杜宇,刘松玉,祝刘文,邹海峰,蔡国军. 基于孔压静力触探试验的水运工程土分类方法研究,岩土力学, 2022, 43(5): 1353-1363. EI收录)

33. 王才进, 蔡国军*, 武猛, 刘薛宁, 刘松玉. 基于人工智能算法预测土体导热系数[J].岩土工程学报. 202244 (10): 1899-1907(EI收录)

34. 荣琦,赵泽宁,蔡国军*,乔欢欢,武猛. 自落式动力触探FFP测试技术理论与应用研究[J].岩土工程学报. 202244 (11): 1998-2006(EI收录)
