

2024-10-09 浏览次数:10

学院(盖章):                                           负责人(签名):
1孙光灵基于图像文本标签的多模态语言的小样本应用Cucumber disease recognition with small samples using image-text-label-based multi-modal language modelCOMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE(2023 Volume 211)COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE(2023 Volume 211)COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE(2023 Volume 211)中科院一区通讯作者
2李善寿“光储直柔”新型配电设备及其控制技术“光储直柔”新型配电设备及其控制技术“光储直柔”新型配电设备及其控制技术LLCC Resonant Converter With Wide ZVS Range and Low Voltage and Current StressIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Oct. 2023, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 12946-12960.中科院一区
新型六开关两倍电压增益五电平逆变器高电压技术, 2023, 49 (04): 1574-1581.高电压技术, 2023, 49 (04): 1574-1581.高电压技术, 2023, 49 (04): 1574-1581.EI(JA)第一作者
抑制混合级联H桥逆变器电流倒灌的调制策略抑制混合级联H桥逆变器电流倒灌的调制策略抑制混合级联H桥逆变器电流倒灌的调制策略电网技术, 2023, 47 (01): 387-395电网技术, 2023, 47 (01): 387-395电网技术, 2023, 47 (01): 387-395EI(JA)第一作者
3陈涛研究一种基于扰动补偿的多并联变流器控制算法Finite-time observer and current sharing control for disturbance
 compensation of parallel H-bridge convertersFinite-time observer and current sharing control for disturbance
 compensation of parallel H-bridge convertersFinite-time observer and current sharing control for disturbance
 compensation of parallel H-bridge converters
IET Control Theory and Applications,17:2227–2239,2023.中科院四区,JCR2区中科院四区,JCR2区中科院四区,JCR2区第一作者
4张广斌自滤波结控Si窄带探测器机理的研究自滤波结控Si窄带探测器机理的研究自滤波结控Si窄带探测器机理的研究Simulation-based investigation of junction-controlled narrow-band Si
photodetector with vertical structureSimulation-based investigation of junction-controlled narrow-band Si
photodetector with vertical structureSimulation-based investigation of junction-controlled narrow-band Si
photodetector with vertical structure
Microelectronic Engineering中科院四区第一作者
5邵慧高光谱激光雷达应用研究Feasibility study on the classification of persimmon trees’ components based on Hyperspectral LiDARSensors, 2023, 23(6), 3286中科院二区第一作者
一种基于高光谱激光雷达技术的涂改车牌识别方法量子电子学报, 2023, 40(5):770-779量子电子学报, 2023, 40(5):770-779量子电子学报, 2023, 40(5):770-779CSCD(e)检索CSCD(e)检索CSCD(e)检索第一作者
基于高光谱激光雷达的绿萝叶绿素三维重建激光技术, 2023, 47(5): 708-715.激光技术, 2023, 47(5): 708-715.激光技术, 2023, 47(5): 708-715.CSCD(e)检索CSCD(e)检索CSCD(e)检索通信作者
利用高光谱激光雷达检测木材的霉变与含水量激光技术,2023, 47(5): 620-626激光技术,2023, 47(5): 620-626激光技术,2023, 47(5): 620-626CSCD(e)检索CSCD(e)检索CSCD(e)检索通信作者
6刘静以第一作者发表中科院三区论文1篇以第一作者发表中科院三区论文1篇以第一作者发表中科院三区论文1篇Jing Liu, Jieqing Tan, Lei He. A Fast Blind Image Deblurring Method using Salience Map and Gradient Cepstrum[J]. Visual Computer,  2023, 39(7): 3091–3107.  Visual Computer,  2023, 39(7): 3091–3107.  Visual Computer,  2023, 39(7): 3091–3107. 中科院三区第一作者
7胡玉霞本文提出一种快速检测水体大肠杆菌浓度方法Rapid Determination of Escherichia coli Concentration in Water using Multi-Wavelength Transmission SpectroscopyJournal of Spectroscopy、2023(3):1-8Journal of Spectroscopy、2023(3):1-8Journal of Spectroscopy、2023(3):1-8中科院四区第一作者
8王坤侠生理信号数据集与多注意力机制的循环神经网络模型Video elicited physiological signal dataset considering indoor temperature factorsFrontier s in neuroscience,vol17,2023Frontier s in neuroscience,vol17,2023中科院二区第一作者,通讯作者
Multiple attention convolutional recurrent neural networks for speech emotion recognition2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW),2022情感计算顶会第一作者
9王丽蓉创新混合模型估算滑跃溢洪道冲刷深度研究Hybrid model of support vector regression and innovative gunner optimization algorithm for estimating ski-jump spillway scour depthAPPLIED WATER SCIENCE,2023,1APPLIED WATER SCIENCE,2023,1中科院三区第一作者
10伍超六极混合磁悬浮轴承建模、设计与悬浮力分析Modeling, Design and Suspension Force Analysis of a Novel AC Six-Pole Heteropolar Hybrid Magnetic BearingAppl. Sci. 2023, 13, 1643中科院四区第一作者
特征提取与融合算法及其应用Visible-infrared person re-identification employing style-supervision and content-supervisionThe Visual Computer, 2023, 40: 2443–2456.中科院SCI四区中科院SCI四区通讯作者(第二作者)且第一作者为指导的研究生
Multiscale Feature Fusion for Skin Lesion ClassificationBioMed Research International, 2023, 5146543: 1-15.中科院SCI四区中科院SCI四区通讯作者(第二作者)且第一作者为指导的研究生
A fire detection and localisation method based on keyframes and superpixels for large-space buildingsInt. J. Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2023, 16(1): 1-19.EI通讯作者
Automated extraction for water bodies using new water index from Landsat 8 OLI imagesJournal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science,2023,6(01):59-75.CSCD第一作者
基于改进图优化的激光SLAM 算法基于改进图优化的激光SLAM 算法安徽大学学报 ( 自然科学版 ), 2023, 47(4): 35-41.安徽大学学报 ( 自然科学版 ), 2023, 47(4): 35-41.北大核心第一作者
12邵慧高光谱激光雷达应用研究Feasibility study on the classification of persimmon trees’ components based on Hyperspectral LiDARSensors, 2023, 23(6), 3286中科院二区第一作者
一种基于高光谱激光雷达技术的涂改车牌识别方法量子电子学报, 2023, 40(5):770-779量子电子学报, 2023, 40(5):770-779CSCD(E)检索CSCD(E)检索第一作者
基于高光谱激光雷达的绿萝叶绿素三维重建激光技术, 2023, 47(5): 708-715.激光技术, 2023, 47(5): 708-715.CSCD(E)检索CSCD(E)检索通信作者
利用高光谱激光雷达检测木材的霉变与含水量激光技术,2023, 47(5): 620-626激光技术,2023, 47(5): 620-626CSCD(E)检索CSCD(E)检索通信作者
13张振亚基于局域网的群智能建筑平台技术A Local Area Network-Based Insect Intelligent Building PlatformInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2023.2,v37n2International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2023.2,v37n2中科院四区第一作者
14高翠云基于3R心电样本的组合特征及LSTM的健康预警基于3R心电样本的组合特征及LSTM的健康预警Health warning based on 3R ECG Sample"s combined features and LSTMComputers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 162, August 2023, 107082Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 162, August 2023, 107082中科院一区通讯作者


Wearable and Cost-Effective Pressure Sensor Based on a Carbon Nanotube/Polyurethane Sponge for Motion Detection and Gesture Recognition
Wearable and Cost-Effective Pressure Sensor Based on a Carbon Nanotube/Polyurethane Sponge for Motion Detection and Gesture Recognition
ACS Applied Electronic Materials (2023.11,Vol.5, Issue 12)SCI
Hardness-and-Type Recognition of Different Objects Based on a Novel Porous Graphene Flexible Tactile Sensor ArrayMicromachines
 (2023.01,Vol.14, Issue 1)
(2022.10, 第35卷, 第10期)
CSCD (C)第一作者及通讯作者(该文2023年5月被CSCD核心库收录,未计入2022年学术成果业绩)
16杨亚龙裂缝检测、电源优化设计及铯动力学数值模拟研究Multi-scale feature fusion for pavement crack detection based on TransformerMathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023,(8):14920–14937.SCI,中科院四区第一作者
A Novel Detection Method For Pavement Crack With Encoder-Decoder ArchitectureComputer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences,2023,(10):761-773.SCI,中科院四区第一作者
State of Health Assessment of Lithium-ion Battery Based on Deep Gaussian Process Regression considering Heterogeneous FeaturesJournal of Energy Storage, 2023, 61: 106797.SCI,中科院二区第一作者
Design of High-Precision Thyristor Trigger Unit for CRAFT Magnet Power ConverterIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2024.SCI,中科院四区通信作者
纵场磁体电源变流器均流分析核聚变与等离子体物理, 2023, 43(1): 26.CSCD第一作者
A Monte Carlo Simulation for Distribution of Cs Flux at Cs Nozzles of Negative Ion SourcesIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2024.SCI,中科院四区通信作者
17吕虹基于CORDIC算法的高性能、资源高效的FFT处理器基于CORDIC算法的高性能、资源高效的FFT处理器Zhao, Y., Lv, H., Li, J. et al. High performance and resource efficient FFT processor based on CORDIC algorithm. EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2022, 23 (2022).中科院四区二作通讯作者(研究生一作)
18葛先玉一种用于盲图像去模糊的增强稀疏模型An extended sparse model for blind image deblurringSignal, Image and Video Processing中科院四区第一作者
