本网讯 Ndhlovu Kataza Nyasha是我校2022级土木工程学院土木工程专业的硕士留学生,自2022年9月入校以来,勤奋踏实,刻苦钻研学术研究,经过短短一个学期的在校学习,学术能力得到快速提升。在吴盾导师指导下,Ndhlovu Kataza Nyasha积极参与课题组项目研究,取得了喜人的学术成果,近日与课题组成员共同在International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health发表学术论文。
ku游官方土木工程学院、安徽省智能地下探测与环境岩土工程研究中心、安徽省智能地下探测重点实验室吴盾副教授研究组的研究论文“Bi-Directional Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soil and Crops in Wanjiang Economic Zone, Anhui Province, China”被International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(JCR 1区,IF 4.614,SCIE和SSCI双检索)接收发表。该期刊是一份国际同行评议的多学科开放获取期刊,致力于发表环境卫生科学和公共卫生跨学科领域的高质量研究。
Ndhlovu Kataza Nyasha得知自己参与的学术研究得以发表,非常高兴,更加坚定了持之以恒的努力学习态度,直至顺利完成硕士阶段的学习,并希望有机会在安建大攻读博士学位。
My name is Ndhlovu Kataza Nyasha from Zimbabwe, and I am a first-year master's scholar (2022-2025) at Anhui Jianzhu University (AHJZU), Hefei, Anhui, P.R.China. I am overjoyed to inform you that my master's thesis has been accepted and published online. I researched on the properties of iron tailings-based ceramsite investigated by XRD and SEM at the school of civil engineering under the compassionate supervision of my master's adviser Prof. Dun Wu. I'd like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Dun Wu, for his supervision, counsel, and direction throughout my master's studies, as well as for sharing his research expertise with me. It has been a privilege to be his master's student at AHJZU.His extensive expertise, unwavering support, and rational way of thinking have been invaluable to me. I hope everything stays this way till I finish my studies.
I am also thankful to my fellow colleagues Wu Jian, Lu Jianwei, Brian Gudyanga, and Li Bo for their collaboration and ongoing enthusiasm during my research. I'd want to express my heartfelt gratitude to International College and Anhui Jianzhu University for giving me the opportunity to study at a national top-ranked university, as well as for assuring the availability of top-notch research facilities and preserving a healthy competitive environment. (作者:丁湘;审稿:张韬)