【Energy Conversion and Management】A novel green hydrogen production using water-energy nexus framework The transformation of electrical energy to hydrogen via water electrolysis consumes considerable amount of fresh water and a productive use of nont
时间:2022-12-07 作者: 浏览:10

Abstract: The transformation of electrical energy to hydrogen via water electrolysis consumes considerable amount of fresh water and a productive use of nontraditional water sources enhances the reliability and resilience of energy and water systems. In this study, we have designed a solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) system which is an evolving hydrogen production technology at high temperatures for water electrolysis. The SOEC uses steam generated from flue gas as its feedstock and is fully integrated with numerous power production units, including coal and natural gas-fired power plants as its energy feedstock. While there is a hasten global shift away from fossil fuel, integrating its asset into this technology helps limit the risk and future losses of stranded assets and reduce the cost of investment in the new technologies. But high capital expenditures and doubt concerning the future cost and efficiency upgrade are obstacles to investing inwater electrolysis. Such a detailed Levelized cost of hydrogen and techno-economic analysis is conducted to show the viability and environmental impacts of this novel technology. The results show SOEC efficiency of 97.4 % and 56.3 % as thermal-to-hydrogen efficiency of the system with a daily hydrogen production of 242,400 kg at $2.9–3.5/kg H2. The estimates show a positive gain prospect in this technology and techno-economic challenges.

Keywords: Water-energy nexus; Solid oxide electrolysis cell; Techno-economic analysis; Levelized cost; Mathematical modeling; SOEC; PEM; TRL; HPS; WTRU; PP; LMTD
